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  • How can I apply for a job?
    You can apply very easily by adding your information into the forms at website or by coming into one of our branch office locations.
  • How can I apply if I can't see the app page?
    You can apply to A.T. Staffing at : . Using your desktop computer. ***If you have a problem with seeing this website on your phone there is a switch from mobile site to desktop site on your phone .
  • Are you an employer looking for qualified candidates?
    If you are an employer searching for someone who fits your criteria with their skillset and merges well with your company ethos, please contact the closest A.T. Staffing office or our corporate office at 903-561-0927. Or contact the closest office to your location.
  • When is Payday?
    Salary payment is made weekly. Paydays are usually weekly on every Friday unless the client facility assigned to requests a different pay day. Overtime payment, which is included with the nonexempt employee's base salary payment, is also paid weekly with such payment covering hours worked in the prior weeks period. Employees may be paid through direct deposit of funds to Pay Card, a savings or checking account at the financial institution of their choice.
  • Why haven't I been paid yet?
    If you are concerned that there is an issue with your paycheck, first check your paystub. You can view your paystub the Wednesday morning before payday. You can access this through the A.T. Staffing app, EDGE (see below) , account or through Text For Pay. If the correct information is showing up on your paystub on Wednesday morning, then that is the amount A.T. Staffing is processing. If the information is incorrect, reach out to your A.T. Staffing representative to discuss the hours you logged. Reach out to our A.T. Staffing corporate office 8AM-5PM at 903-561-0927. A.T. Staffing/Edge
  • Does A.T. Staffing issue paper checks?
    For associates who do not have a bank account that allows for direct deposit, they can sign up for a Pay Card.
  • Where can I get my check stub?
    You can view your paystub the Wednesday morning before payday. You can access this through the A.T. Staffing app, EDGE , account or through Text For Pay. If the correct information is showing up on your paystub on Wednesday morning, then that is the amount A.T. Staffing is processing. If the information is incorrect, reach out to your A.T. Staffing representative to discuss the hours you logged. Reach out to our A.T. Staffing corporate office 8AM-5PM at 903-561-0927. A.T. Staffing app, EDGE Employee App
  • Absence or Punctuality?
    Patterns of absenteeism or tardiness may result in discipline. Absences due to illnesses or injuries that qualify under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) will not be counted against an employee’s attendance record. Medical documentation within the guidelines of the FMLA may be required in these instances. Not reporting to work and not calling to report the absence is a no-call/no-show and is a serious matter. The first instance of a no call/no show will result in a final written warning. The second separate offense may result in termination of employment with no additional disciplinary steps. A no call/no show lasting three days may be considered job abandonment and may be deemed an employee’s voluntary resignation of employment. Cancellations and no-shows jeopardize our relationship with our clients. Continuous cancellations will result in termination. We require at least 72 hours cancellation notice. Emergencies are taken into consideration. We do not accept any excuse for not showing up to an assignment without notifying the Branch Office. A no call no show can be grounds for termination. We can be reached 24 hours a day, after working hours and on weekends. Call the Branch Main Number. Contact our office immediately We can be reached 24 hours a day. If you will be late or cannot report for an assignment. If you have an on-the-job injury, notify A.T. Staffing immediately. When you change your address or phone number. If your assignment changes substantially from what was originally assigned. Call in your availability between the hours of 8:00AM and 8:30AM Monday-Friday, before you are assigned to work, or when you complete an assignment, every morning you are available. Failure to follow any of the previous guidelines may jeopardize your opportunity to be placed in another assignment or affect your unemployment benefits.
  • Looking for your 2024 W2's?
    Employees during 2024 can find and print their W2's three different ways. 1. Mobile app 2. Employee Portal 3. A.T. Staffing office ​ **A.T. Staffing does not mail out W2's (see application)

Corporate Address

1211 W. Southwest Loop 323
Tyler, Texas 75701





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